The Alcohol Policy Coalition (APC) is calling on the Victorian Government to introduce an 'alcohol harm zone' policy to prevent or restrict new liquor licences in domestic violence hot spots.
The Alcohol Policy Coalition (APC) is urging the Victorian Government to take immediate action to reduce family violence and other alcohol related harm in the state, in its submission to the Liquor Act review.
Wednesday 5 November 2014
A coalition of leading health and community groups has congratulated the Minister for Liquor and Gaming Regulation, Edward O'Donohue for taking a health-centred approach to liquor licencing with the announcement of a rise in fees for large supermarket-style liquor barns.
The Alcohol Policy Coalition (APC) has welcomed the Greens' policy announcement that will put alcohol advertising restrictions on the agenda for the 2014 Victorian election.
The Alcohol Policy Coalition applauds a recent decision under the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC) to uphold a complaint against Woolworths' "Duff" beer.
Victoria will have a new tool to tackle alcohol-related harm when new legislation, introduced to Parliament this week, is passed.
The Alcohol Policy Coalition today called on all Victorian political parties to introduce key liquor licensing reforms, including earlier closing times and alcohol service restrictions, as part of its newly launched election policy platform for the 2014 State election, “Five steps to a safer, healthier Victoria”.
Today leading health groups launched a new satirical video (Alcohol Ad Shame) to highlight the absurdity of alcohol advertising during times when large numbers of children and young people are watching television.
Alcohol sponsors dominated close to a fifth of the entire broadcast of the NRL grand final and around 20 minutes per AFL semi-final, according to new research, Alcohol Advertising in Televised Broadcasts of Australian Football Finals Series, released today by Cancer Council Australia into the pervasiveness of alcohol advertising in live sport.
The Alcohol Policy Coalition has welcomed the release of the new alcohol and drug strategy 'Reducing the alcohol and drug toll; Victoria's plan 2013-2017' by the Victorian Government today.
Wednesday 5 September 2012
A Bill set to pass State Parliament within days threatens one of the few tools local councils have to manage the impact and costs of alcohol on their communities, according to a coalition of health agencies.
Like the main character in Groundhog Day, alcohol policy in Victoria just keeps making the same mistakes.
A coalition of health agencies has called on the Federal Government to tackle one of the key drivers of alcohol overconsumption – price – by reforming alcohol taxation in this year‘s Federal Budget.
The Alcohol Policy Coalition today welcomed the Victorian Planning Minister's extension of a cap on late night liquor licenses to areas beyond the CBD.
Research from VicHealth and Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre shows young people and males are at greater risk of alcohol-related assaults on Saturdays and on St Patrick's Day.
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